Daniel and I have recently decided that we have a new way to rank favorite restaurants. It's really simple: Good = waiters smile when they see the carseat and discretely pour me new water when I nurse. Bad= waiters stick us at the worst table when they see carseat and stay away from us like we have the plague.
Now, in our current hometown and economic level we can't afford much in the way of restaurants. Here they are either WAY too expensive or WAY too cheap (as in a Hotdog stand) or they are pasta (and too expensive at that, I don't pay for pasta). So it's not like we have a lot of choice ANYWAY! But we do feel that the pricepoint we are at is child-friendly. We aren't talking 5 stars or anything....especially for a three month old...I mean she's quiet unless she's hungry and if she's hungry....I got that taken care of:)
However, we are now down to three. Granted they are all FABULOUS. The staff is accommodating, the food amazing, and the pricepoints tolerable........but we sometimes laugh at our choices.
We simply go: Greek? Sushi? Thai? and that's it.
There aren't a lot of nursing moms out there with me. So far in the three months that we've had the little one I have as yet to have seen ONE OTHER MOTHER breastfeeding in public. I can't be the ONLY one but sometimes I feel like I am making some sort of statement instead of simply feeding my hungry child.
But then again, children are some sort of statement -that is something I am still getting used to. The presence of a child immediately affects how people think about you and what they assume you think about the world. And what you do with that child becomes even more of a statement.
So I'll stand by this one. Breastfeeding in public -go for it!
(and if a restaurant makes you feel uncomfortable with the baby....never go back!)