If I had to sum up pregnancy with one word it would be
OH I know, it should probably be something more about growth or development or even something virtuous like patience or moderation. And, yes, it
is all these things. One might even call it an education. Actually, I wo
uld call it an education -of self, of other, of the cosmos.
But truly what it comes down to is counting. Months, Weeks, Days,
Hours, Minutes. Kicks, Hugs, Smiles. Centimeters, Calories, Pounds. Onesies, Diapers, Washcloths. Bank Accounts, Bills, Insurance Premiums. Tears -oh the tears. Belly laughs. Number of Miles traveled by moms and grandmoms. Miles to the Hospital. Breaths. Beats in a Yoga Pose. Contractions. Thank You Notes. Receiving Blankets.
Trips to the Bathroom in One Freaking Hour. The Clock ticking at 3 in the morning when the rest of the house is asleep.
Yes, Counting. And as Daniel and I (and I think the entire rest of the worl
d) await a new birthday (sometime in the next 19 days) I post a little bit of a picture count in celebration of week 37...full term!
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