Saturday, December 5, 2009


Wow! Time flies....

No it doesn't. That is SUCH a preggo myth. Yes, time is flying as it always does at the end of the semester. There are thousands of papers to grade/write/edit. There are holiday parties to plan for and decide to make time for. There is the rushing that comes from Thanksgiving turning into Christmas overnight. And yes, Daniel and I have stopped a few times and said, are we really at Week 20?

And maybe now that I am not puking every day and am sitting down at the table for dinner and manage to stay up at night without completely falling over time will fly. But for all those women who told me that this magical time would simply fly by...

No, it doesn't. When you are in agony and exhausted and getting up to go the bathroom every 2 hours at night and your back hurts and you can't move your hips because they have locked up and your husband is twice as exhausted because he does everything around the house x2 plus works 75 hour work weeks....TIME DOES NOT FLY. It crawls. The seconds simply tick-tock by.

Pregnancy (at least for me) is work. It is effort and sweat.

And I know that this sounds like a whiny, complaining post -but it's not. Not really. Because, since time hasn't flown by for me I have experienced this pregnancy. I feel like I know it. And I feel like I know our little girl a little bit.

Now when she kicks me I can say, yes, of course, this is what we were working towards. And we are working towards still bigger kicks and a really hard day around April 19th. Which will also be work. And I am sure that it won't "fly by".

But that's going to be a good thing. Because too much of our life flies by. We don't stop to catch it to savor it, to smell it, to experience the pain. We wait for our next piece of entertainment, the next big project, the next big thing. We hold out for birthdays and Christmases to see our family and friends.

We shy away from the work, the pain, the agony of what it means to live day in, day out.

So bring on the work baby, we're ready.

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