The other week Daniel and I registered for the little one at Target and Babies R' Us. It was okay but I felt a wee bit silly running around with a scanner debating whether or not I wanted green blankets or 'ecru' blankets. I opted for both since hey, the scanner was pretty easy to use! But for the most part it was completely overwhelming. So many baby things, so many baby toys (we really enjoyed the toy aisle but didn't request much since we figured that it would be more fun to pick out toys in general). Seriously, baby toys are just fun....
Now, toddler toys at Baby's R'Us however I will save for a different blog. Where in the WORLD are all the wooden, non-plastic, non-make tons of wracket, non-electronic toys for young toddlers? I'm talking blocks, stacking cups, rolling balls people!
Anyway, I digress. So we were pretty overwhelmed and also feeling a bit over-consumed. Which is easy to do this time of year anyway.
So we went and bought a tree. Because well, you know the best cure for feeling like a consumer is to shop :)
But the tree was beautiful and it wasn't plastic and it smelled heavenly. And we had so much fun decorating it.
Because let's face it. Humans like to decorate, we enjoy 'nesting' (I hate that word, that will be for another blog). When the lights turn on and the wise men walk through their cactus path to the manger scene and the Christmas music gets turned on, it's nice, it's cozy. The crazy red and green finally go together.
So, even though I really don't care if the baby has green or white blankets I thank my Christmas tree for putting me in a better mood about the whole crazy baby registry thing. We do need to convert an office which has 7 book shelves in it to a baby's room. And that means we might have to do a fair bit of decorating and deciding whether or not green or white makes the room cozy, comfortable, some place that we all might want to spend a lot of time in!
And also, as I look at the ornaments which are our favorites: (the wood cut outs we made the year we were engaged and our mothers said that we 'didn't yet deserve our own ornaments', the wooden ones that my grandfather made me, Daniel's little nutcracker man that he remembers from childhood) I know that being cozy and comfortable doesn't mean going all martha stewart in the nursery but simply being honest. I like green. Daniel likes white. We like white lighting with multiple lamps. We don't like cutesy. We like storage space. And that really what our little one will need is a space to make some good memories in....whether or not she has matching socks for her outfits (which, as Daniel's child and my mom's grandchild she has little hope for anyway...socks never match at our house
Hello there you happy elves! I haven't yet RSVPed but will be at the shower on the 30th with some serious bells on, and am glad to know where you've registered. FYI, Lehman's, a small, family-owned catalog and retail store in Ohio, has lots of the simple, honest, non-toxic toys you were looking for. Lots of locally made, too! I'm pretty sure they're online.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!