but our house is not pictured....maybe when we carve the pumpkins I'll get one up of our house!)
I didn't quite say all I wanted to about community. I wrote a really fun paper about it though on Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics....so if you are really interested, I will be happy to send it your way! And if you do read it, please send me comments back (I know a few of you are crazy English grammar maniacs who love to take a red pen to anything)!
But, I did want to say one last thing about why I have started blogging. I truly did want to chart what it was like to be a graduate student who is trying to write and grow a little one at the same time. And in a few months, I would like to write about how it is to write and take care of a little one. I think we don't talk about this enough in our culture. We applaud mothers. We understand that there is an ongoing debate about work and mothering and where the two shall meet or never mix. But, in the graduate school culture we don't talk about what it means to live a life of the mind. To think, to be a thinker, a researcher and to be a mother at the same time. And this is a conversation that I wouldn't mind being a part of.
But also, I want to not feel so distant from the people that once knew me. I would like to be able to meet them occasionally and give them a big hug and not have to start with, well, for the past 6 years we've......
I'd like to have a way to share bits of our daily life so that when we meet up with people from our old community, we can begin anew. I doubt that it will feel the same but I have hopes that by keeping small connections across time, space, and place we'll be able to sit down and be merry together.
In that spirit I share the above pics from our weekend walk which showcases Fall in our community. (The extra dog is simply a guest for the weekend, thankfully, we our a one dog kind of family!)
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