Sunday, October 4, 2009

Apple Pie and Writing

One of the purposes of this blog is to share my experiences as a working graduate student while being pregnant. So, it is important I think to share that my writing has been going severely downhill. Methinks it has to do with a few things:

a) my morning cup of coffee and my afternoon expresso shot/latte often helped set the stage for a good long writing session and they are sorely missed

b) when you have to make 4 breakfasts to eventually get 1 to stay down, your motivation for much else disappears and when you are again nauseous by 7:00pm every night really, would YOU write or would you get a Popsicle out of the freezer and watch Thursday night NBC comedy?

c) On Friday I cooked an apple pie for my dear husband who has worked tirelessly to keep me and baby satisfied. Now, I am an accomplished pie maker so it's not like this was a brand new task where I was nervous about the crust and wasn't sure what it meant to "roll dough evenly". I like making pies and make them frequently. HOWEVER, by the time the pie was out of the oven I was dog tired. Like, so tired that when Daniel came home and saw the pie on the table with a little card and a framed picture of the ultrasound he also saw a wife with flour all over her sound asleep on the couch and the dog curled up next to her flour/butter hands. So, you can imagine, that if a pie puts me to sleep, a 6 page essay probably might put me in bed for the weekend.

But, this post is not a dismal post. For, I did manage to write a 6 page single spaced essay over the weekend. It isn't my best ever. We aren't talking prizes with this thing. But, it is written. It isn't half bad. And I managed to spell check it.

And it was a damn good apple pie. My best ever!

So, yes, is this pregnancy/writing thing difficult. You betcha' but possible, yes. Especially if you save the eating of the apple pie for writing time. Almost as good as coffee...almost.

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