If the little one cooperates this coming Wednesday we'll have an answer. For those of you who need some clues in your guessing.
-I'm still morning sick.
-The foods I do like are mangoes, apples, peanut butter, yogurt, whip cream, and strawberries.
-The foods I hate are chicken, peas, and lasagna, and garlic (the last two mean the baby agrees with its parents assessment of New Jersey :)
-My hands are soft.
-the heartbeat is 150 bpm
-When Daniel dangles a ring over my belly it goes from side to side.
-I'm carrying high (although on my short torso I'm not exactly sure where low or high really would be!)
-I sleep on my left side unless I'm sleeping on my right side.
-The little one was conceived in July.
-I am 29.
-I have had exactly three dreams about the baby. All of them scary but in one the baby was a girl in one the baby was a boy and last night the baby just cried and I couldn't get it to stop but I have no idea what sex it was.
I hope that helps. I am refusing to guess. Daniel has his own guess. My mother swears she knows because (and you all didn't know this but apparently she is a psychic). And my brother changed his guess once he came and visited me.
Good Luck. We'll let you know soon!
My guess: It's a girl. A beautiful, witty, charming, intelligent feminist girl.
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